【第一站:天池温泉度假村】 刚进大门就被迎面而来的硫磺味来了个下马威,这酸爽堪比老坛酸菜牛肉面的灵魂暴击,但当我看到露天汤池那一刻,瞬间原谅了所有——38度的牛奶池飘着枸杞和玫瑰花瓣,完美诠释"中年养生朋克风",最绝的是池边的自动烤肠机,实现了"边泡边撸串"的终极梦想,温馨提示:千万别在红酒池里打瞌睡,别问我怎么知道的。
【第二站:石佛温泉秘境】 这个藏在半山腰的野温泉堪称现实版《千与千寻》,要穿过200米长的溶洞隧道才能抵达,洞顶滴滴答答的钟乳石水珠自带天然BGM,重点来了!这里的鱼疗池养着乐至特产的"佛系锦鲤",这些鱼祖宗不仅啃脚皮,还会组团围观人类泡汤,某位不愿透露姓名的王姓博主曾在此创下被鱼群围攻的奇观,场面之壮观堪比春运火车站。
【第三站:龙门山星空温泉】 建议晚上10点后来体验这个露天悬崖池,当全身浸入42度的泉水中仰望银河,你会突然顿悟:原来古人说的"天人合一"就是泡温泉时数星星数到脖子抽筋,更妙的是山间偶有野猴出没,这些毛茸茸的监工确保没人敢在池子里搓泥(别问我怎么知道的again)。
【第四站:竹海硫磺泉】 被万亩竹林包围的天然硫磺池,泡完自带"行走的臭鸡蛋"体香,但这里的疗愈效果堪称神奇,我泡完三小时后的变化如下:手机计步器显示0步,微信运动排名直降200位,但皮肤滑溜得苍蝇都站不住脚,强烈推荐自带鸡蛋来煮温泉蛋,记住要用防水袋装好,别学某位博主差点煮出"温泉手机汤"。
【第五站:古寨药浴池】 这个由明清古村落改造的温泉群主打中药养生,当归池、艾草池、枸杞池一字排开,泡完感觉能直接上中药铺的货架,最惊喜的是每个池子配有位把脉的老中医,边泡边听养生讲座,堪称"沉浸式养生补习班",不过要小心老中医突然掏出针灸包,别问我是怎么跳着逃出人参池的。
【第六站:溶洞探险温泉】 终极玩家必去的野性之选!需要戴着头灯爬过300米钟乳石密布的溶洞,最终抵达地心深处的天然温泉,水温高达45度,水色碧绿如翡翠,泡着泡着会产生在拍《夺宝奇兵》的错觉,温馨提示:千万别在池子里讲鬼故事,洞穴回声效果会让你体验到什么叫"自己吓自己"的立体环绕音效。
- 报国寺素斋:吃完感觉自己能立地成佛
- 龙门山滑翔伞:上天前记得排空温泉水
- 乐至烧烤夜市:用美食抵消泡掉的卡路里
- 川剧变脸体验:学两招下次在温泉池变脸吓人
【实用信息】 交通:成都东站乘动车1.5小时直达乐至 门票:各温泉点60-150元不等 必带:防水手机套、橡皮鸭(拍照神器)、大号浴巾 禁忌:戴金链子泡硫磺泉(别问怎么知道的×3)
English Translation:
"Ultimate Guide to Outdoor Hot Springs in Lezhi: 6 Magical Pools Worth Soaking Until You Peel"
Dear heat-resistant comrades, I'm your old Wang. Today let's unlock the wildest hot spring experience in the Sichuan Basin - an immersive review of Lezhi's outdoor hot springs. Last month, armed with a thermometer and scale (don't ask why), I explored this geothermal-blessed town and achieved new life enlightenment - now I want to strip whenever I see steaming puddles.
[First Stop: Tianchi Hot Spring Resort] The sulfur smell at the entrance hits like a soul-strike from aged pickled vegetable instant noodles. But the outdoor pools instantly redeem everything - the 38°C milk pool floating with goji berries and rose petals perfectly interprets "middle-aged health punk". The automatic sausage grill by the pool realizes the ultimate dream of "bathing while skewering". Pro tip: Never nap in the red wine pool. Don't ask me how I know.
[Second Stop: Stone Buddha Secret Hot Spring] This wild spring hidden halfway up the mountain is like Spirited Away in real life. Reaching it requires traversing a 200m cave tunnel with stalactite drips creating natural BGM. The highlight? The fish therapy pool with Lezhi's special "Zen koi" that not only nibble dead skin but also gather to watch humans soak. A certain Wang blogger was once besieged by fish here, creating a spectacle rivaling Spring Festival travel chaos.
[Third Stop: Longmen Mountain Starry Sky Hot Spring] Visit this cliffside pool after 10pm. Soaking in 42°C water while stargazing brings sudden enlightenment: the ancient concept of "harmony between heaven and man" is just counting stars until neck cramps. Wild monkeys occasionally appear as furry supervisors ensuring no one exfoliates in the pool (don't ask me how I know again).
[Fourth Stop: Bamboo Sea Sulfur Spring] Surrounded by bamboo forests, this natural sulfur pool leaves you smelling like a walking rotten egg. But its healing effects are magical: after three hours, my step count showed zero, WeChat ranking dropped 200 places, but my skin became so slippery even flies couldn't land. Bring eggs to make hot spring eggs - use waterproof bags unless you want "smartphone soup".
[Fifth Stop: Ancient Village Herbal Bath] This Ming-Qing village transformed hot spring complex features traditional Chinese medicine pools. Soaking while listening to elderly doctors' health lectures feels like immersive wellness tutoring. Beware sudden acupuncture offers - that's how I leaped out of the ginseng pool.
[Sixth Stop: Cave Exploration Hot Spring] The ultimate challenge! Wear headlamps to climb through 300m of stalactite-filled caves reaching an emerald-green 45°C geothermal pool at the earth's core. Pro tip: Never tell ghost stories here - the cave echoes create surround-sound self-terror.
[Peripheral Activities]
- Baoguo Temple vegetarian feast: Makes you feel enlightenment-ready
- Longmen Mountain paragliding: Drain hot spring water before flying
- Lezhi BBQ night market: Offset soaked calories
- Sichuan face-changing shows: Learn tricks to surprise in pools
[Practical Info] Transport: 1.5h high-speed train from Chengdu Tickets: 60-150 RMB Essentials: Waterproof phone case, rubber duck (photo prop), large towel Taboos: Wearing gold chains in sulfur springs (don't ask ×3)
After seven days of hot spring marathon, I achieved "fingers wrinkled like raisins". Now water sounds trigger stripping reflexes, and my phone gallery became hot spring portfolios. But honestly, soaking in Lezhi is like swimming in hotpot - painfully addictive!